Hovel-Miner Lab research on the cover of PLOS Genetics in May!

70-bq repeats control antigen gene selection in trypansoma brucei

Expression of the human NUP98-HOXA9 oncoprotein during eye development in Drosophila leads to eye-to-wing transdetermination.

Latest News

GW Microbiology, Immunology, and Tropical Medicine Retreat - Dr. Hovel-Miner and Students (Indea Rogers, Kenna Berg, and Hayley Ramirez) share their data at our annual departmental retreat.
Graduate students Kenna Berg and Hayley Ramirez Present posters at PAraCon 2023
Graduate students Kenna Berg and Hayley Ramirez Present posters at Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM) 2023 in Woods Hole, MA